If you're planning to travel to the TT Circuit Assen by bus or by shuttle bus, here’s some helpful information:
You can take bus to Assen, the closest city to the TT Circuit. However, most major cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Utrecht have direct train services to Assen. For travelling to Assen from further destinations, taking the train is indeed a better option.
You can take regional buses operated by Qbuzz to Assen. Qbuzz has routes from nearby towns and cities like Groningen, Emmen, and Drachten. Check Qbuzz’s timetable to find the specific route and departure time.
Once in Assen, use buses or shuttle services to get to the circuit. The circuit's bus station (called Bushalte TT-Circuit, Assen) is located on Jack Middelburgplein, a plaza positioned on the north side of the venue.
From several locations in Assen, you can use Qbuzz Line 1 which operates to the TT Circuit. For more details, click here.
Shuttle buses run between Assen NS railway station and the Noordlus entrance of the circuit during race weekends.
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